How Does Covid-19 Affect You?

Firstly, what is the biggest blow that Covid-19 do to you? Is it your health, your mind, or your business?

Covid-19 started as a virus spread that people don’t take too seriously. As it goes along, it shows that it does way more damage than we expected. Maybe some of you still think the virus is for the unfit, but this virus proof to hit not just your health, but also your life and livelihood.

 Your Health

If you or your immediate family come across (exposed to) Covid-19 and confirmed positive, the procedure is quite clear and familiar. You isolate yourself from people at home, explain to them the procedure of limiting contact and frequent proper hand washing, keep eating healthy and get a good rest, so you can recover.

Corona patient can recover, but recovering one is easier than recovering tens and hundreds. Get informed with the proper official channel for Covid-19 such and

Your Mind

You can’t deny that this outbreak has caused a panic and anxiety that cannot be taken lightly. The fact that it makes us quarantine ourself at home whether or not we have the virus, is going to take its toll. So think positive. Know that anxiety and panic attack can crush you, your health and your financial faster than Covid-19. Do your daily healthy habit with an upgrade: like eating well plus extra honey or Vitamin C, and do your exercise in the morning plus a little bit of stretching in the afternoon (it would help you from having cramps from sitting too long). Wash your hand properly with soap, but extend it for 20 sec this time. Redecorate your home, get cozy and consider it a long vacation.

Your Financial

Yes, another damage that Covid-19 has significantly done is to your financial. A lot of business suffers significant loss of income, which means also the thousand of employees. For employees that can work from home, the loss of income is less likely occured. But thousands of employees that comes from travel and hospitality business get the biggest blow.

If you’re a business owner.
Step back and get a new perspective. With this uncertain situation most likely to extend, you need to laid new plan and move to keep your services and products reach your clients still. Get your message out there through digital channel. Reach out to them, instead of letting them come to you.

One closed door usually opens another. Create new products or services/systems that might help your clients and your business at this time.

If you’re an employee.
Keep up your performance if you are still hired. You are some of the lucky ones. A performing team would affect office performance which then affect the business, the industry, the economy, and then your financial. 

Open your eyes and ears for new opportunities that might occur in this situation.  You are aware that this big change of how we live our daily lives drive a new set of doing things too. Grocery deliveries and online food business are rising up significantly. And this is just the beginning.

As one factor is closely connected to another, let’s help each other in this unfortunate time to ease down the struggle through living healthy with proper health procedure, thinking positive, and try to support local businesses that way you can. That way we will be ready when the economy is peaking up. (ve)

Jivvas is practicing work from home on regular working hour from Mon – Fri to keep the communication needs delivered as usual. Wishing all the best to all struggling businesses all over the world.