Millennials Brand of Choice 2021

Aqua – Chatime – Gojek – H&M – Indomie – Janji Jiwa – JCo – KFC – Netflix – Youtube (in alphabetical order)

While the milestones of these brands vary from as young as 3 years to as old as 69 years, there’s some fundamental strategies that brings these brands to be the leader:

1. Understanding The Target Audience
Let’s just start to acknowledge that there’s no star without a cheering audience. Successful brands understand who their potential customers are, how they think, what they crave, and also what they spend their money on.

2. First, Brand’s Objective.
A brand without objective is like travelling without a destination. Why do you exist? What do you want to do or give to your audience. What is your cause. Be specific, you can’t say that your brand wants people to be happy because some people are happy with ice creams, some are with money, it’s subjective and broad.

3. Thinking Out-of-the-Box
Not many people can actually do the out-of-the-box thinking. It would be easier to follow the path that’s been made, but thinking out-of-the-box will capture a lot of attention. It takes courage and a lot of confidence.

4. Hit-the-Spot Taglines
When you establish the biggest benefit that your brand’s bringing to the marketplace, then you gotta sell it like it’s HOT. Make your tagline hit-the-spot: simple, concise, catchy, and powerful at the same time!

5. Breathe Passion and Soul into Your Brand
If you want to your audience to crave your brand, you need to breathe passion into your brand. Infuse passion and soul, and they will give you passion and hook their soul to your brand.

6. Consistency
You can’t expect your customers to stay loyal if they can’t count on you. Today you’re good, then next month you’re disappointing, that just won’t work. Know that when you have them hooked, they will come back for the same hook, so be consistent.

7. Out and About, Exposure, Exposure!
Let’s not forget about the importance of exposure. The best product will still fail the market if you don’t market it properly. How will you get buyers if they don’t know about you. Their friends and family don’t know about you. Making sure that you have great marketing strategies in place is a key to winning the battle over a niche market. (ve)

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