Millennials Workforce: How They Affected Your Business.

As the new year creeping up to the second month, more and more millennials are entering the work force. If you haven’t already fill up your business with millennials, you’re going to have to, soon. 

Just like any other generation, millennials has their own trademark. If your business was filled with Gen X, and now slowly filling up with Millennials, well, the world has already have their almost monogamous opinion about Millennials.

But a wise man says,”A reasonable man adapts himself to the world. And an unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.”

Sounds reasonable? If you think so, let’s take off our might-be-dinosaur’s mindset of big and powerful and reset to welcome this new era of Millennials, while having a bit of fun while you’re at it by getting to know them.

  1. Millennials love life. You might think that they just want to have fun all the time, but it also means not doing repetitive and robotic work, have flexibility and have great energy at work. Having able to express themselves, their opinions and get constructive feedback and appreciations at work, are the energy that fuels Millennials. Whether you are in a creative business or more administrative business, a great energy at the office would work well on Millennials.
  2. Millennials loves technology that works. While their superior might think their so depended on technology because they don’t bother to think for themselves, don’t forget that technology works for everyone. Upgrade your tech at the office and make it work. A working technology is not only making your life easier, but also makes these Millennials love their job. Technology that works also make the user as the orchestrator, in work place, become a good project manager.
  3. Collaborative works excite them. It’s not that they can’t work independently, and sometimes look like they need directions at all times, but this comes from how they see things as they grow. As oppose to the previous generation that was brought up with single superhero and one man show, Millennials were brought up with group and community collaborations TV shows. Barney and Friends, Thomas and Friends, Powerpuff Girls, Chip n’ Dale, shows that to working in team is always the best way to achieve something greater.
  4. Millennials respects values. Where companies and products in the old days were depending on the quality of their products and services, the time has turn to added values that would single out your products and services. More and more decisions made by Millennials as consumers is based on the personality, value and perspective that is inline with theirs. So whether you are a company or a product, infused value and personality will do wonders to your workforce or your marketing.

There you have it. Of course those don’t necessarily apply to all Millennials. As you know, a person’s perspective and values are a result of so many factors that brought them up; the parents values, environments, technology, and conditions they were in. That includes how we nurture them at work. Communication is the key to co-exist. Have a great day! (ve)